Friday, December 30, 2011

My next rc car

gonna get one for christmas.... i know lol its alittle late, but better late then never. :) go here to check it out.
the body im gonna put on it is the #7478 Lexus LS 430 .   :) love it. gonna put on some purple TE37s and maybe a few purple logos or spmething... its gonna look awesome. ill post vids when i get it. im thinking in a week or two.

me and my sister played some NCAA '08 maybe 30mins ago. yeah i know its old i dont care. we just played what it called the single greatest game of all time. we were playing as florida with tim tebow and we were against fsu. they are the better team according to ncaa 08. we were losing in the begining but after halftime we turned the tides. more like tim tebow did :p  he ran a bunch of times, getting close to 300 yards!! the option worked best. the first time they scored was on offence. dont remember how. then they scored on an interception. then we did on a long 64 yard salvage run by tim tebow. 7 - 14 then they scored a 68 yeard play. just had to out do me. then i scored, very first play, a 78 yard touchdown option.  14 - 21 then they scored on a kickoff return... then i scored, i dont remember how, then i scored again with :08 seconds left on the clock on  a option. tied 28 - 28. overtime :D VERY FIRST PLAY i knocked over the dude blocking me (they had ball first) and made the HB fumble. picked it up and ran maybe 5 yards then got tackled. lol. we got to start on the ^25 (theirs) anyway i ran an option, 1st down. my sister ran a dive, 1st down. i ran another option, TOUCHDOWN to win the game. it was awesome..... :)

if you read all that...... good job :)


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